Serving The Immigration Needs Of The San Diego Area Since 1984

Prepare for the journey toward citizenship

On Behalf of | Jan 25, 2019 | Citizenship

With the changes in immigration that are happening often in the United States, trying to keep up with what’s going on can be challenging. For the people who are planning to pursue naturalization, this can be problematic because you have to know the current information, so you can do things in the correct manner.

We know that you have a lot to think about right now. We are here to help you sort through the latest information about immigration policies that might impact you. This can help you determine if there is anything that you need to do differently with your petition for citizenship.

One of the most important things for you to remember is that you need to fill out the appropriate paperwork fully and truthfully. You can’t skip anything or embellish any facts. If it isn’t completed or if there are some things that you aren’t honest about, your application might be denied. We can help you with the paperwork, so you can ensure it is all handled the way it should be.

Another thing to remember is that you will have to pass the exams. These require you to study up on some points about the United States, including civics lessons and the American English language. We can help you learn more about this part of becoming a citizen.

When you embark on this process, remember that it isn’t going to be quick. You have to be prepared for waiting, but when you take the oath to this country, your efforts will be worth it. We will help you with the process.