Those who were born in the United States have always known the joy of citizenship. But for those who were born elsewhere, came to this country and later acquired U.S. citizenship, that joy does not always come easy. Many find that it can be daunting, both legally and emotionally. This was the case for one man in California.
After his father died, his mother brought him and his brother to Sonoma Valley in 1985. He suddenly found himself in a country where he spoke little of the language. He didn’t know whether he would attend school and felt quite alone. That was, until a Sonoma attorney helped and encouraged him to go to school and stay out of trouble. He not only went but ended up graduating from high school and attending college.
After he graduated from high school, he worked hard. For more than five years, he worked at his old high school as the coach for the boy’s junior varsity soccer team. It was there that he met his future wife. Soon he decided to continue his education and enrolled in Santa Rosa Junior College. Upon graduating, he started a career at Clover Stornetta Farms. He got married and he and his wife now have two beautiful daughters.
His greatest achievement, however, occurred this past June at the age of 35. That day he stood with 1,000 other immigrants and pledged his allegiance to the United States and became a naturalized American citizen.
Those who are in California and who have not yet become citizens may find that seeking out an immigration attorney can be a great help. They can offer some advice and guidance to get potential citizens through the citizenship and naturalization process. Sometimes all that’s needed is a step in the right direction.
Source: The Press Democrat, “Once-reluctant immigrant celebrates becoming an American citizen,” Hris Smith, July 10, 2011