When an undocumented immigrant is detained by authorities, they can feel a great sense of fear. This fear stems not only from possible punishment for their alleged violation but also from the possibility that it could lead to deportation. In some cases, authorities have detained individuals longer than necessary in order for Immigration and Customs Enforcement to check their citizenship status. Luckily for those in California, several bills were recently signed that could help reduced prolonged detainment and possibly even lead to a work visa.
It is common knowledge that immigration changes are being fought for all over the country. Several gatherings took place recently as many immigrants and concerned citizens voiced their opinions on reform issues. For those living in California, they may feel a sense of progress after the governor signed several bills dealing with immigration. One of those bills made it illegal for individuals to be detained longer than necessary while authorities check on their immigration status. This bill was found more favorable than a similar previous bill because parties who had committed serious crimes were not included in being exempt from extended detainment in the new bill.
Employment issues were also addressed in some of the legislation under consideration as the governor also signed bills that would allow undocumented immigrants to become lawyers. Furthermore, employers would no longer be allowed to threaten employees by claiming to report their immigration status. These new laws could significantly help immigrants who are looking for employment but are perhaps afraid of being intimidated by employers.
Perhaps these bills put into place will help reduce the number of immigrants unjustly detained as well as help more immigrants find employment. Gaining a work visa and being able to put it to use can vastly change the life of a person who may be living in the country undocumented. Finding work could help them build credentials and possibly put them on the right track for gaining permanent residency. Information on the changing California laws could be helpful to concerned parties looking to gain more knowledge.
Source: Latin Times, Immigration Reform 2013: Governor Jerry Brown Signs Trust Act In California, David Iaconangelo, Oct. 7, 2013