Many California residents are aware that the laws in other countries can sometimes be oppressive toward certain groups of people. In these cases, individuals who feel that their country’s laws are going against their religious or other important beliefs may come to the United States in hopes of gaining political asylum. In many cases, this asylum is granted, and individuals and families are able to lead their lives more closely to their core set of beliefs rather than having them oppressed by other governments.
Unfortunately, some situations do not qualify as reason for being granted protection in another country. The case of a German family who moved to the country because they wanted to homeschool their children — which is illegal in Germany — has gained attention due to a recent revocation of the asylum they had been granted. The family had received the privilege in 2010, and an appeals court recently upheld a ruling that the family was ineligible because Germany’s treatment of those who wanted to homeschool their children did not qualify as persecution.
The Home School Legal Defense Association, however, believes that the German government’s treatment of homeschoolers who do so for religious reasons is a violation of human rights. Representatives for the family in question have filed for an appeal by the United States Supreme Court. A petition was also presented to the White House in hopes to preventing the deportation of the family.
The reason immigrants seek asylum is to acquire protection from oppressive government actions that lead to persecution. Being awarded such sanctuary can mean a world of difference to families who wish to lead their lives according to their religious or philosophical beliefs. As this case shows, however, immigration views can change and asylum may be at risk of being lost for some. If a California resident finds him- or herself in such a situation, more information on state and federal laws concerning political asylum and immigration could possibly help them maintain their protective residency.
Source: The Christian Post, German Homeschool Family Takes Asylum Case to US Supreme Court, Anugrah Kumar, Oct. 10, 2013