A woman who crossed the border on foot earlier this year and requested asylum has been reunited with her family in California. The woman has been detained since her arrival in the United States in March. She was seeking asylum here, saying she was receiving death threats due to her government employment.
The woman was featured as the subject of a much-watched YouTube video produced by her son. It showed the man begging officials to release his mother, who was in federal custody. She had attempted to cross the border at Otay Mesa on foot with a group of Mexican nationals who were also asking for asylum.
The woman had originally tried to enter the country legally about seven years ago. She was not successful and was forced to return to her home country. She says she received threats against her life while there. As a result, her health reportedly suffered and deteriorated.
It was a joyous scene when the woman was reunited with her two sons at a California courthouse. They had waited years for that moment. They cried as they embraced and proclaimed how much they cared for each other.
Although she is no longer detained, the woman still has many obstacles to overcome. Evidence supporting her claim to need asylum is now available, which could positively affect her case, according to her family. They have set up a fund that allows people to donate money to help them fund their fight — the outcome of which will determine their future. Others in similar situations will undoubtedly be watching to learn the results.
Source: sandiego6.com, “Mother seeking asylum in the U.S. reunited with her family in San Diego”, John Carroll, May 7, 2014