The crisis in Venezuela continues to escalate, and more of its citizens are looking to flee the country. Because of this, the United States is seeing more Venezuelans applying for asylum. This can be a difficult process. Those individuals entering the country in California or elsewhere can seek legal assistance in their search for relief and peace.
According to U.S. Citizenship and immigrantion Services, as of March 2016, individuals from Venezuela seeking asylum reached an all time high with over 1,300 applications submitted. The only country with more citizens applying for asylum in the United States that same month was China. Venezuela has been considered one of the top 10 asylum-seeking nations since early 2014. It is believed, though, that many of the asylum applicants are among Venezuela’s middle class, meaning they do not necessarily qualify for refugee status.
What has caused this acceleration in applicants? Venezuela is experiencing a severe economic crisis. Inflation has made providing basic needs for families nearly impossible. Food and medicine are said to be in short supply. Sadly, a change in government leaders following the death of President Hugo Chavez has not improved the situation.
Asylum is not swiftly granted to just anyone who claims to be trying to escape persecutions or hardships in his or her native country. This is a status that is only granted to those who meet all the necessary requirements. A California immigrantion attorney may be able to assist those coming the the United States from Venezuela to seek refuge. With the right help, the proper steps can be taken toward achieving an immigrantion status that will hopefully allow these individuals the right to remain in the country.
Source: Fox News Latino, “Number of Venezuelan seeking asylum to U.S. soars as economic crisis deepens”, June 19, 2016