Generally, becoming a lawful permanent resident in California requires meeting all necessary criteria and submitting a completed application with supporting documentation. Once approved, correspondence should arrive at the applicant’s home. However, things might not go perfectly even with an approval. Thankfully, there are steps someone might take when concerns about the green card arise.
A lawful permanent resident card typically arrives within 30 days. The same is true of the “welcome notice.” If more than 30 days pass, it may be wise to contact the USCIS customer service number to determine if something went wrong. Maybe the letter went out in the mail and has not arrived. Until the proper documentation comes, it may be possible to get a stamp on a passport or a temporary status document. Proof of legal permanent resident status might be necessary when applying for work, a driver’s license or an unrestricted Social Security card. Straightening out mishaps could be necessary when things don’t work out efficiently.
Even “minor” issues require attention because they might not be as insignificant as some assume. Misspelling and errors on the green card or the welcome notification could present problems. A lawful permanent resident card details immigration status and establishes identity. Errors on the card might create problems, so informing USCIS of any errors without delays may be a smart move.
Applicants could call the customer service number to ask general questions, report a change of address and more. Asking an attorney to handle dealings with the immigration offices is another option. An immigration law attorney may prove valuable if a denial letter comes in the mail. Filing an appeal might be the strategy capable of potentially reversing the initial denial.
Gaining lawful permanent resident status could start the process of attaining citizenship. When issues arise after receiving a determination, it’s important to act quickly to straighten matters out.