There are several different ways for people to obtain immigration opportunities in the United States. Some people get jobs or enroll in domestic colleges. If they stay in the country long enough, they may eventually qualify for green cards.
Many others use their family relationships. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has multiple immigration programs that benefit the family members of those already living in the United States. People with visas can bring certain family members with them when they enter the United States. Permanent residents can sometimes help family members lawfully enter the country, and United States citizens have the most extensive family-based immigration opportunities.
Sibling immigration is an option for citizens
Someone hoping to bring a brother or sister to the United States must be a citizen themselves. However, both naturalized and natural-born citizens can apply for green cards for their siblings. Their siblings will become permanent residents if their efforts are successful, which means they can live in the country for the rest of their lives if they follow certain rules.
Sibling applicants, like anyone else hoping to lawfully enter the United States, will typically need to undergo a thorough background check. They must fill out and submit a Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, which will help the sibling, their spouse and their minor, unmarried children. They also need to submit birth certificates showing that they share parents with a citizen. There are special rules for half-siblings, step-siblings and adopted siblings.
They will also need to comply with United States laws after gaining entry to the country or risk the loss of their status as a permanent resident. Someone who is a green card holder but not a citizen could naturalize to help their siblings lawfully enter the country.
Learning the different rules for family-based immigration may help people extend their good fortune to the people they love the most. Seeking legal guidance is a good way to start.