Those who have already obtained a green card know that getting one is not necessarily an easy task. There is a lot that must be accomplished before this much desired legal document is granted to immigrants here in California or elsewhere. Those wishing to obtain permanent residency status must meet certain requirements in order to qualify. To ensure all these requirements are met, professional assistance with green cards is available to help make this desire a reality.
When it comes to getting a green card, there are two types available. The first concerns reuniting family members. Those who are already legal residents of the United States may petition to have family members brought into the country to live permanently. Several factors will be looked at before to determine if this type of green card is granted, including the relationship with the petitioner and the country of birth.
The other type of green card available is for employment purposes. Employers can petition to have an employee brought into the country, though certain stipulations do apply. To learn more about employment-based green cards, please visit our San Diego Green Card Lawyers page.
The immigration system can be difficult to figure out and manage alone. An experienced immigration attorney will be able to provide valuable assistance with green cards by sharing insight into the process and being prepared to tackle any obstacles that present themselves. Immigrants to California can certainly benefit from having someone on their side, ready to fight for their best interests.