Many foreign nationals are interested in obtaining a green card, as this provides them the opportunity to live and work in the U.S., typically without any time restraints.
While many people are interested in obtaining a green card, this is easier said than done. The process can be both time-consuming and complicated, and not all people are eligible. However, if you have reason to believe that you are eligible, here are some basic do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:
- Follow the instructions exactly as outlined on all Bureau of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services forms
- Attach all the necessary documents
- Contact your local Bureau of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office if you have any questions
- Take into consideration any previous denials, to avoid the same situation in the future
There are some things it is generally best to avoid:
- Never commit a crime once you obtain your green card
- Generally, don’t leave the United States for too long, as this could potentially lead you to lose your green card
- Don’t provide false information on any Bureau of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services forms
- Don’t skip over parts when completing the necessary forms, as this can lead to an immediate denial
These are some of the more important do’s and don’ts when obtaining a green card. While it can be a challenge to follow along with all of these, you need to do your best to improve your odds of success.
Obtaining a green card may not be out of the question. By understanding what’s required, such as by getting quality legal guidance, you could have a better idea of what to do next. Having a full understanding of your options could put you in a better position to pursue your goals.